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To Grow Your Business, Ministry, or Influence

Inside my free guide, you'll discover:

The #1 Way to Attract Your Tribe, Customers, and Clients
How To Create Time to Create
The #1 Writing Pitfall to Avoid


Rae Lynne Johnson

Coach, Trainer & Speaker

I help entrepreneurs, ministry leaders, and influencers unleash their writer superpower to grow their business or brand. You're called to write, and my mission is to help you. For over 25 years, I have inspired and developed writers. I am a profound encourager, and I promise I don't bite.

Many come to me doubting their ability to write. Your current skill level doesn't matter. Do you have a book you are called to write? A message to share? Clients to help? What matters is your desire to get it done. I can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. I'm like a master key that unlocks the writer in you!

It really is about you, but click here if you want to know more about me.


Are you sick and tired of being STUCK?

Are you called to write? Do you have a book in you but don't know where to start? A book that you know will help your clients, minister to people, or build your brand? Have you started writing but haven't gained any real traction? Are you afraid you're not good enough? Do you need a breakthrough?

I help entrepreneurs, ministry leaders, and influencers like you start, finish, and monetize the book that can be a game-changer for you and the people you want to reach.

I know you've heard them, the whisperings in your mind telling you to write. Ignoring the call is not the solution. It only makes things worse. The difference between staying where you are indefinitely, and moving forward to realize your potential, is all about taking action. Every day you wait costs you. Let me help.

Did you know that SUCCESS is a CHOICE?

You can choose to write an amazing book today. Writing a book you can be proud of doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by choice. When you implement powerful techniques under the guidance of a skilled and supportive mentor, you get rapid  transformation!

My mission is to unlock the writer in you! With my transformational coaching method, you will

  • Awaken your creative genius
  • Develop a consistent writing ritual
  • Construct a customized plan for your writing project
  • Discover your unique style and voice
  • Express your ideas with clarity and purpose
  • Add vivid richness to your writing
  • Create shirt-grabbing openings
  • Avoid the muddle in the middle
  • Catapult your writing success
  • Get encouraging, empowering feedback on your writing
  • Become a better writer for the rest of your life


What's stopping you?

We all have a glass ceiling. What's yours? Whatever is holding you back, I promise you it's not worth your destiny. Let me help you GET IT DONE! But as fabulous as it is, writing your book is not the end game. You need to get your book out there. You need to be heard! 

I will give you proven strategies to:

  • Publish
  • Market
  • Monetize

I can help you achieve greater success, faster, and with fewer setbacks all in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment. Don’t take my word for it… let me prove it to you! 

What does success look like for you? What's stopping you? Click here to book a FREE 1:1 Writer Breakthrough Strategy Session with me to find out.

Rae Lynne Breakthrough Writing Coach



What did Michael Jordan, Princess Diana, Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? They all used coaches. Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. 

How about you? If you want to write a high-quality book you can be proud of in a fraction of the time and have more fun doing it, check out my transformational coaching programs.



When you want your event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain and create positive change. You want more than temporary motivation… you want to create permanent transformation!

Not only is Rae Lynne a dynamic and engaging speaker she also delivers skill-building content and cutting-edge insights that will educate and energize your audience. Learn more about her customized, tailored-to-you speaking services here.


I didn’t have the confidence to tackle what I knew needed to be tackled. Rae Lynne challenged my fear by celebrating my individuality. Embracing the writer in me has led to general confidence as a human being. Rae Lynne was a key component to my liberation from fear, doubt, and writer’s dormancy. I feel more alive than I ever have in my life.

I couldn't stay motivated to write consistently. Right away I saw that Rae Lynne is not just a coach; she is passionate about writing and inspires everyone she coaches. At her retreat, even the most hesitant writers grew in confidence. Her hands-on training was just what I needed to break my fears.

Rae Lynne not only helped me draw out my inner voice but also gave me a gauge to edit that which didn’t support the more substantial ideas I conveyed. Having an ongoing relationship with a writing coach I work well with is a complete game changer for me.

I was struggling with how I would get organized mentally and logistically to complete a novel I began writing. Rae Lynne was phenomenal. She was incredibly knowledgeable and encouraging. I walked out of my sessions with Rae Lynne feeling insanely empowered.

Connect with Rae Lynne Breakthrough Writing Coach


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5 KEYS TO UNLEASH YOUR WRITER SUPERPOWER: To Grow Your Business, Ministry, or Influence written by Rae Lynne Johnson

The #1 Way to Attract Your Tribe, Customers, and Clients
How To Create Time to Create
The #1 Writing Pitfall to Avoid